續上篇. 看到有錯的麻煩要跟我說喔
* account for
* agree to (計畫)
* agree with (人)
* approve of
* arrive at (小地方)
* arrive in (城市或國家等大地方)
* begin by (做什麼事)
* begin with (事或物)
* believe in
* caution against
* compete with
* concentrate on
* consist of
* consult with
* contribute to
* cooperate with
* deal with
* decide on
* depend on
* engage in
* escape from
* divide among (3者以上)
* divide between (2者)
* divide into (部分)
* grow in (成長為~. 能為習慣~)
* interfere with
* invest in
* move to
* participate in
* pay for
* plan on
* prepare for
* prohibit from
* recover from
* rely on
* replace with
* respond to
* result in
* subscribe to
* subtitute for
* suceed in
* talk about (主題)
* talk to (人)
* wait for (人或物)
* wait on (客人)
* withdraw from
* account for
* agree to (計畫)
* agree with (人)
* approve of
* arrive at (小地方)
* arrive in (城市或國家等大地方)
* begin by (做什麼事)
* begin with (事或物)
* believe in
* caution against
* compete with
* concentrate on
* consist of
* consult with
* contribute to
* cooperate with
* deal with
* decide on
* depend on
* engage in
* escape from
* divide among (3者以上)
* divide between (2者)
* divide into (部分)
* grow in (成長為~. 能為習慣~)
* interfere with
* invest in
* move to
* participate in
* pay for
* plan on
* prepare for
* prohibit from
* recover from
* rely on
* replace with
* respond to
* result in
* subscribe to
* subtitute for
* suceed in
* talk about (主題)
* talk to (人)
* wait for (人或物)
* wait on (客人)
* withdraw from