續上篇. 看到有錯的麻煩要跟我說喔
* accustomed to
* acquainted with
* afraid of
* angry at (物或人)
* angry with (人)
* attach to
* aware of
* based on
* capable of
* close to
* dependent on
* different from
* disappointed with/by
* eligible for
* essential to/for
* familiar to
* free from (約束)
* free of (不純, 不潔之物)
* identical to
* inferior to
* made of (材質)
* married to (人)
* native to (地)
* necessary for
* next to
* perfect for
* pleased with
* polite to
* preferable to
* related to
* responsible for (物或人)
* responsible to (人)
* safe from
* satisfied with
* similar to
* suitable for
* superior to
* suprised at/by
* accustomed to
* acquainted with
* afraid of
* angry at (物或人)
* angry with (人)
* attach to
* aware of
* based on
* capable of
* close to
* dependent on
* different from
* disappointed with/by
* eligible for
* essential to/for
* familiar to
* free from (約束)
* free of (不純, 不潔之物)
* identical to
* inferior to
* made of (材質)
* married to (人)
* native to (地)
* necessary for
* next to
* perfect for
* pleased with
* polite to
* preferable to
* related to
* responsible for (物或人)
* responsible to (人)
* safe from
* satisfied with
* similar to
* suitable for
* superior to
* suprised at/by