It is shame to have this kind of boss.
How can he not care about the copyright ?

For the software, he thinks if there is pirate, why we need to buy the original
ok, it is the policy we know it

Then, he forward the mail about update
if Microsoft has an update reminder, don't do that because it is easier to be found the pirate
The aim of the mail oringinally is to remind the personal customer, not for the coperation!!!

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It's my first article here. 
Actually, I want to write something here for long time. However, I had had a blog in MSN.
Now, I would like to have an English diary here to practice my poor English.

I have a lesson tonight. It is a vacabruary class.
Nevertheless, I don't have choice to overwork. 
I will have a business trip to HK next Sunday. It is an important meeting to me and to my company. 

My largest client, Lafuma, will come to HK. It is not the first time they hold a meeting with us in HK. It is the first time to meet top management. 

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可不可以所有的email 都自動消失??
可不可以乾脆電腦中毒, 所有的檔案都銷毀??
讓神智不清的人有了揮霍的慾望, 好像才有辦法得到紓解. 好像心理才會平衡一點

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從歐洲回來後, 整整兩個禮拜都狂加班..
每天都工作超過12小時, 還加到太晚得去住同事家.有點不知今夕是何夕的感覺..
昨天以前的我. 想吃東西, 想買東西. 想唱歌 .想花錢. 想花錢. 想花錢. 就是想花錢啦. 好像非得花光光才能發洩壓力似的
大家都變漂亮了!! => 這是很重要的!!
大家都很努力也都很厲害!! => 這更重要!!
結論 => 我稍獲紓解並且恢復了!!

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尤其現在, 大家好像都被喝了某種藥水, 瘋狂朝拜名牌..好像全身上下非得有一個東西是名牌. 才能在社會上立足

有的人更是著了魔似的.名牌對他來說就像O2一樣, 沒有名牌無法呼吸了...


那天聽同事在抱怨某個國際知名品牌的大客人.客人就像在剝包心菜一樣. 一層一層剝, 不斷對於成本進逼...


客人要求成本的表格要怎麼填. 規格要怎麼寫, 報價又分別為多少, 比起一般的客人還要鉅細靡遺.還規定工廠只能有多少的利潤



一個大品牌, 具國際知名度的品牌一定會有其嚴格的品質控管, 對於產品的要求十分嚴苛,但是在原物料的使用上卻未必如此. 當我們在市面上看到的賣價. 往往都會倒抽一口氣. 天哪, 這種的產品可以賣到好幾張新台幣呀??

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