* throw someone a curve => do something unexpected
幫一個人綁上絲巾 => 就是要他無法呼吸 => 無法如他所願

* no dice = no deal => no possibility for something to happen
沒有骰子 => 沒得談啦

* a piece of cake => very easy
一片蛋糕 => 很簡單, 吃下去就對了

* raise the bar => increase expectations
把吧台提高 => 提高標準

* butter someone up => say nice thing to someone to get something from them
在某人身上塗奶油 => 跟某人說好話請他去做你要他做的事情 => 簡單來說叫做巴結

* drop the ball => fail to finish or follow through on a task
丟掉球了 => 事情沒完成

* play it by ear => improvise or make it up as you go
用耳朵就可以彈奏了 => 憑感覺

* on second thought => after thingking it over

* reach a comprise => 妥協

* improvise as yo go => 即興演出

* cheat on 考試作弊, 男女朋友不忠

* have an affair 外遇


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